An Update, an Announcement and a Video

Happy Saturday, y'all!  I hope everyone had a great week and has a fun, relaxing day planned.

I am off to spin class this morning then working the rest of the day.  I know the blog has been quiet the past few weeks but I have been focused on furniture (and boats) and I have been exhausted.  Last week, I only made it past 8:30 PM one night...embarrassing I know.  All the other nights I fell asleep watching TV at some ridiculously early time.  Another reason I haven't posted much is because several of my current projects are Christmas presents and I can't show them to you yet.

An Update

Earlier this week, I did post about my guest room end tables.  Here is the before picture.

Click here to read about the tables and see the after pictures.  I still have quite a bit of work in that room.  It needs curtains, a rug, throw pillows, accessories, and I need to hang the art I have for it.  Just a bunch of little things that I have put off or haven't had time to get to.  My goal is to have it done by the end of January.  Now that I have said that out loud and its here in print, I have to make it happen, right?  

An Announcement  

I do have some SUPER EXCITING news to share with all of you.  The kitchen is going to be featured again! AHHHH!  I can't even believe.  In denial big time.  Sadly, I can't tell you where or with who yet, but it's a big deal.  Or at least to me it is :)  Today, I am getting the kitchen staged and photo ready.  I'll announce the details of the feature Christmas Eve after everything is finalized.   If you are a new reader and haven't seen my kitchen makeover yet,  click here to see the transformation.

The past few weeks have just been crazy!  They have been filled with features, tons of work, Thanksgiving (which means lots of traveling), Blittle's truck was stolen,  I turned 32 (EEEK!) and now I am prepping for Christmas.  Everything is happening so fast, I barely have time to process it.  Part of me still can't believe how much attention the kitchen and some of my other work has had.  I am blessed beyond words!

A Video

I don't know why I am fascinated with pelicans but I am.  We live on a canal that is off of Galveston Bay.  We moved here in June and I have said many times that I think its weird the pelicans and other large birds are never in the canals or flying over but you see them everywhere right outside the neighborhood.  We saw a few this summer if a neighbor was cleaning fish, but the most we ever saw was two in the canal at the same time.    Well now that it is winter the bait fish are coming up into the canals and the big birds are following.  This is what I saw yesterday morning while I was drinking my coffee.  CRAZY!

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