White Bedroom Set & Some Updates

Hello y'all.  I hope everyone is having a great week!

This is my third attempt to write an update and post for this week.    I have been a little stressed and all over the place the past few weeks.  I think I am finally getting focused again.

Things have been quiet on the blog but they have not been in my life.  I told y'all about taking a day off to bring my parents to the airport and spend the rest of the day with my best friend and her family.   After that, the week got a little crazy and ugly.

On Thursday of that week, two of my nieces were burned in a cooking accident and were brought to Shriner's in Galveston for treatment.  We spent a lot of time at the hospital over the next week.  My BIL and SIL have 6 kids so we helped take care of the other 4 children along with BLittle's parents.   Our 7 year old nephew stayed the weekend with us and he had a blast.  He loved fishing, taking boat rides, and sleeping in his own bed.  :)  Thankfully, the girls were released late last week and only come back for bandage changes and check ups once a week.

Here are a few pictures of our nephew catching bait fish (and his two best helpers) and of us cruising the canals under the huge moon.

With us taking care of the nephew and spending so much time at the hospital, I got so behind on work and the anxiety was horrible.  My brain tells me its fine, everyone will understand but I get overwhelmed when I get off schedule.  Its stupid but I have always been that way.  I worked extremely hard this week to get caught up and did make my deadline for a huge bedroom set I painted.  The only thing I was late on was a client pick up but it was only by a few days and the client was understanding.

In the hustle and bustle of everything, of course I didn't take great pictures of the bedroom set.  Their story is, the client just built a new house and all the built-ins were painted white.  The bedroom set was off white.  Once they got the furniture in the bedroom, it looked dirty and dingy next to the white built-ins. Everything went from off white to bright white.  Here are the pictures I have of the pieces.

Before there were drip marks and brush strokes all over the headboard.  Everything else was in good condition.  Just needed a brighter white.

Now everything is smooth and a pretty white.

The green & brass end tables are in their new home and look beautiful!

The air conditioner has been installed in the shop and it is fabulous.  Last week was my first week with AC and I was so much more productive than I have been.  The heat and humidity have been intense and I can tell a difference in my energy with the AC.  I don't get as tired and worn down as fast now.  Its great!

On a more exciting note, the kitchen was featured again.  Y'all.  It is still very out of body experience with the kitchen features.  I say out loud that I have been in a magazine and acknowledge these features but it is so crazy to wrap my brain around.  The goal was to have a beautiful, functional kitchen that was in a certain budget.  We felt like that was accomplished long before the features.  The space is for us and we love it.  All this other is the cherry on top and I still can't believe it when I see my house on Pinterest, Hometalk or these other social sites.  

So when my friend posted on my personal Facebook page that she saw my kitchen on House Beautiful, my jaw hit the floor.  AAAAHHHH!  Elle Decor and House Beautiful featured my kitchen in the same article.  My kitchen was on both of their home pages!!!!!!  Again,  AHHHHHH!  Seriously, y'all.  I know I say it often but, how is this my life?  Crazy.  

I screen clipped so I can forever remember that day.

I feel like saying my kitchen proves bright white is the best color for kitchen is a pretty bold statement but its Elle Decor and House Beautiful, they can say what they want.  I am beyond flattered.  Now I need to finalize our bathroom ideas and plans.  Hopefully they will be just as beautiful as the kitchen.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.  BLittle and I are taking a few days off to relax and recuperate from the past few weeks.  I'll tell y'all all about what we are doing this weekend next week.  :)

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