Office Reveal

I am excited about showing y'all the office today!  There hasn't been an update about our house in a long time.  It feels good to have the space finished and organized.

Most of the decor and furniture I already had.  The only purchases I made for the space were the DIY filing cabinet desk (bought materials and filing cabinets), the 2 navy chairs, and some office supplies.

Here is what the space looked like when we bought the house.

This is what it has looked like for the past 12 months.

AHHH!  And sadly that is the clean version of how it looked.

But now it looks like this.

This dresser holds all my craft, sewing, and miscellaneous supplies.  I love using dressers for storage.  Its a great way to keep everything hidden in plain sight.  This dresser was part of the set that included the armoire I used for the dog feeding station.

The closet is used for storage and organization.  I have had the blue and cream storage boxes since I had my first tiny home office that was in a closet.  :)

My first home office...which was in a closet.  I am very thankful for my entire room home office.

The closet in the home office has my ironing board, iron, sewing machine, work out equipment, extra electronic chords and items, camera equipment and other important materials.  The room feels much bigger and the closet is much more usable with the doors removed.

I am obsessed with the navy chairs I found at Homegoods.  Love them and want enough for my dining room.  Not only are they pretty, they are comfortable.  I have a great place to work and there is an extra chair for Blittle to sit and talk to me or vice versa.

This office has to be and stay organized.  I am now running more than one small business out of the same place plus our personal papers arena the space.  I meal plan, coupon and budget so I essentially have 3 businesses in one office.  To keep things straight and organized, I have the new business calendar, files, to do list, etc on the left and Fisherman's Wife Furniture on the right.  Our menu calendar is in the kitchen but I have files for coupons, menu planning and budgeting in the office.

There are a few small things I still need to get done but it is mostly finished.

I need to sew/buy a curtain.  Nothing crazy and fancy.  Just something to add character and block light or give privacy if needed.

The rug probably won't stay.   I need something to protect my floors but this one is an incorrect size for the space.  Also, the texture is not that great for moving a chair.  A low profile, smooth rug would be perfect.  

The other is a project for the blank wall.

There is a plan but I can't tell you what it is just yet.  That will come when I can tell you about the other business.  Its very scary and exciting at the same time when starting a business.  I am so proud of my husband for having a dream and sticking with it. There have been some bumps in the road but things have smoothed out and are looking good.  Fingers crossed we will have success.

Hopefully, I can share the details on that soon.  :)

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