Finally Organized the Office

I have fallen off the blogging band wagon.  Again.  Over the past few months, finding time and energy to blog has been a struggle.  One of my goals for 2015 is to be more consistent at blogging and sharing work.  Now I have a pretty office to work in so hopefully that will help me stay focused.  :)

A year ago I did a post called My Dirty Little Secret and showed all of you my "office."

Yeah.  It was bad.  I don't want to talk about it.

I made some progress getting it cleaned up and organized.

I lost steam on making it the office so it became the catch all room that I tried to hide from guests.  Over the past year it has been in various stages of messy and clean but has never been a functioning office....even though we still called it the office...hilarious.  Anyway, my husband and I have started another business venture, I'll fill you in on that another day, and we NEED a home office.

The room needed a desk/work station, a filing cabinet/system, a surface for a large printer and it needed to be pretty.  I wanted to get this done on a small budget and tried to use items we already had.  Remember, I had a junk room full of stuff that could be used.  :)

The blue dresser will stay in the room.  It has all my craft and sewing supplies and its a great place to put the large printer.

Filing cabinets are not that attractive so I wanted to incorporate them some way in the room and not have an ugly filing cabinet standing in the corner.  A filing cabinet desk came to mind immediately.  Something like this....

I couldn't find filing cabinets on Craigslist or on our neighborhood forum and was on a bit of a time crunch so I bought new.  This filing cabinet was only $25 at Office Depot.  I bought two to make my base for the desk.

The only problem is the filing cabinet is boring and not a great color.  I added to some detail to them and painted them!

Monday I'll show you the details on the filing cabinets' makeover and the desk.

Tuesday I'll show you the entire office.

Have a great weekend everyone and check back on Monday.  Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram to see special sneak peeks and what I am up to.  Facebook hides my posts from most of my followers so Instagram is the better choice.

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