My Dirty Little Secret

Dirty Little Secret

So I have a dirty little secret.  Well, I actually have two.  And they aren't so much dirty as they are messy.  And its not that they are secrets so much as I just haven't posted pictures or talked about them here.

If you have been to my house you have seen one or both.  Today I am going to confess my first secret.  You may want to sit down if you aren't already.

Here it goes.

Deep breath.

This is what my office looks like.

I KNOW!  This is real life people.  I am not kidding right now.  Its a scary mess.  As I type, that is what it looks like and has looked like for several months.  Please don't judge.

After I finished the dresser for that room (read about it here) and got the table in, I did really good getting things organized and set up.  But then other projects had higher priority and the office became the dumping ground for boxes I wasn't ready to unpack and for things I just don't have a home for yet.  Slowly but surely the situation got out of control and this is what I am dealing with now.

Business has been busy and a personal goal for 2014 is to be better organized and stay on budget so I have to get this office together and start using it.  I have been inspired by several of my blogger friends and their organization ideas. Today is the day I am going to tackle this room.  I am dreading it only because it is one of those situations where I have to make a mess to clean a mess.  This room will be emptied, then I will only return things that I need and have a place for them to go.  Its going to be ugly at our house today but I need a functioning office.  Wish me luck.  I know it will be worth it in the end.

Deal of the Year

Last night I got the deal of the far.  I know we are only a few weeks into 2014 but I found a great deal on Craigslist already!  Y'all have only seen sneak peeks of the living room in pictures over the past 6 months.  It is still a work in progress so I haven't had a reveal post about it yet.

Our seating in the room consists of a couch and two Pottery Barn seagrass chairs.  Its not enough.  That only seats 4 people comfortably so I have been saving for another couch.  I love the PB Basic Slipcovered sofa but it is just too expensive so I had mentally settled on the Ikea slipcovered sofa unless I found something better.  The only problem with it is Ikea doesn't have a slipcover color that I love.  Well, while searching around on Craigslist Sunday morning, I found a slightly used Ikea sofa for $75.  WHAT?!  I thought surely it was too good to be true.  I almost called them right then, it was 6 a.m., to see if it was still available.  Luckily, I caught myself and realized what time it was and emailed instead.

We went to see the couch Sunday evening but it was raining so we didn't get to bring it home until last night.  I can't believe.  I am so excited to have more seating for our visitors.  And at $75.  Woohoo!  Here it is.

 We can not, I repeat, CAN NOT have a white couch.  We can't have anything white.  It just isn't a color that works for us.  We eat and snack in front of the TV a lot, there are spills, and just everyday dust and dirt that shows up on white.   The white couch had chocolate lab dog hair on it BEFORE it was even in the house.  When I woke up this morning, Jaxson, was spread out trying the new couch as a bed.

So what is the upside to a white sofa cover?  It is a great base to dye.  Yes, dye.  I want to try to create the color I love from Pottery Barn.

Here is the PB slipcover color I love.

Although Ikea still makes this sofa and I can order a new cover, they don't have this color or anything close to it.  Pottery Barn doesn't even make this color anymore.  So I am going to try to dye the white cover.  It cost less than $20 to order quality fabric dye.  Worse case, I dye the white cover, don't like it and have to buy a new one from Ikea which cost between $50-$150.  Still not a bad deal for a sofa that costs $400-$600 new.

The dye is ordered and should be here in the next week.  I promise to keep y'all posted on how it goes.  I also promise to keep you posted on the office progress.

Have a great Tuesday!

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