Finally an update...

Hey everyone!  It has been a while since I have updated the blog.  Really, I have taken a step away from all social media the past month, not just from the blog.  Things have been busy and I haven't been interested in spending much time on Instagram or Facebook so there have only been a few posts on those, too.

The past month I had several large custom projects and I decided to wait to share those after the projects were completed and in their homes.  Also in the past 4 weeks we celebrated Thanksgiving, my parents were home from Germany for two weeks, celebrated my birthday and now prepping for Christmas.  Needless to say, things have been hectic.

Tomorrow I am going to start sharing my largest custom project to date.  My clients built a new house and asked for some design advice as well as had several pieces made to fit their new spaces.  All the pieces are finished, in the house and look amazing.

Here is the before shot of a hutch that I turned into a wine bar!

Check back tomorrow to see more before pictures and the beautiful after shots.

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