"The Lorax" End Table

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Hi all!  I hope you had a great weekend.  We had a pretty relaxing weekend around here.  I had planned to work through  the weekend but the weather was so beautiful and I had so many personal things I needed to get done, work was put on hold.  I have posted several new items on the "For Sale" page so be sure to go check those out.

Today, I am going to tell you about a precious baby shower gift I did!  A friend of mine that I have known my entire life married a girl I have known for years.  They are now having a baby!  I wanted to do something special for them and go beyond the registry list.  Now, for those of you who don't know, straying from the registry is tricky.  If you have ever had a registry for a wedding or baby, you know what I am talking about.  Those gifts where people try to get you something special and be creative by getting you something not on the list but you have no idea what to do with the present.....or worse....you don't know what it is  :o   So I decided to reach out to the husband to get some ideas of what they needed and the present could be a huge surprise for the wife.  Well, funny story....

I messaged the husband, "Have y'all picked out nursery furniture yet?  I would like to do a piece for y'all.  A changing table/dresser maybe?  I didn't know if y'all would be interested and if you would want to surprise her or get her input.  Let me know what you think."

When he received the message, he read it OUT LOUD in front of his wife before he realized what the message said and what I was asking.  LOL.  The surprise element was gone!  I contacted her about what she needed and we decided I would do the little end table that will go next to the rocker.  They already had the bed and a huge dresser for the space.  Colors were already picked out and I had an idea of what the nursery is going to look like.  After asking a few more questions about their theme, "The Lorax", and stalking her Pinterest nursery board for a while, I came up with the idea.

I saw this end table and I knew it would make a great match to the dresser they have.

I had a list of the paints they are using in the room and decided to go with the lighter green since the big dresser was painted the darker green.  I also ordered a yard of one of the fabrics that is being used in the bedding to be the backing.  Then just to give it a little more character and fun, I found a cute knob that matched the yellow in the fabric perfectly.  It turned out super cute and I still got to surprise them both with it.  They had no idea what I was doing except that it was going to be the end table.  I can't wait to see baby Liam's nursery finished with everything put together!

Here is the "The Lorax" end table.

Turned out great!  Can't wait to show you my next project which is also for a cute boy nursery.  Check back later this week to see it!

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