Updates on Furniture & My Parents Moving

Woah, it's Thursday already!   Wow.  I have been busy with many exciting makeovers but today is a post about something personal.

Yesterday, on Facebook, I posted this.

For whatever reason I don't post personal things on here.  It's not so much that I mind sharing.  It's more about that's not why y'all visit the blog.  This is a diy, home improvement, painted furniture blog, not day in the life of Kaylor blog (coffee, blogging, breakfast, bootcamp, more food, working on furniture, shower, dinner, clean, sleep....everyday...not very interesting).  Anyway, I haven't mentioned anything about my parents moving because it hasn't been relevant.  The day has come for them to leave and now I feel it is time to talk about it.

My parents are moving to the Frankfurt, Germany area for my dad's job.  The estimated time is 14-18 months but as most things go in the oil and gas industry, it would not surprise me if they are there for a few years.  This is an opportunity of a lifetime and I am really happy they are taking it.

My parents have never traveled.  My dad went to Canada once for work I think but other than that, neither of them have been outside of the country.  They went to Germany a few weeks ago to find a place to live and decided to stay in a cute, traditional German town instead of the big city of Frankfurt.  Hopefully, my parents will take the time to travel and see many cities in different countries.  Also, my dad is of German heritage, his grandmother was born in Germany,  and he is big into ancestry stuff.   He now has a chance to see some of the places where his family is from.

Honestly, I think I am more excited about them moving than they are.  I live for travel.  I yearn for it.  I am obsessed with it.  It's an addiction.  Some would say it is a problem.  My mom's parent's traveled a little when I was young but no one else in my family, parents, cousins, aunt & uncles, travel so I am not really sure where I get the wanderlust bug from.  And I have it BAD!  I am constantly on the hunt for the next vacation deal or job for BLittle in the Caribbean or other cool place (it has to be near warm salt water).  We have been very fortunate to travel and see many places but it will never be enough.  I want to see it all.  Life is too short and the world God made is too amazing to not travel and see all the beauty.

That attitude is why I am going to miss my parents but the excitement for them overrides the missing them feeling.  If it was Blittle and I, we would have taken the opportunity, too.  I can't wait to visit and see some of Europe.

My mom wanted some new pictures so we had family photos taken this weekend.  My brother was married in March and other than the wedding, we haven't had professional pictures taken in 4 years.  It was time for an update.

Thank you Flair Photography for taking such great pictures.  I still haven't seen all of them so I will post more later.

Monday, I will be taking my parents to the airport.  They plan on visiting in November and we plan on visiting in late Spring.  Hopefully, all four of us, my brother, his wife, Blittle, and I, can go over at the same time so we can all be together.  Please pray for safe travels and that they have an amazing time while they live there.

Now for an update on furniture.

I am finishing up a table today and tomorrow I will be painting a dresser, desk, and trunk.  They are really great pieces and I am excited about the paint finish the client chose. Here are the before pictures.

Next week I have a huge dresser, tall boy and bed coming in for paint and after that, an entertainment center.  There are a few pieces planned for the beginning of September but no details on them yet.  I am very grateful for all the work!  This is the busiest I have been since we moved and it feels good to have consistent work pouring in.  Thanks everybody!

Tomorrow I will post the end table makeover that matches the pink & gold dipped dresser!  Here is the before.

Be sure to check back tomorrow to see the gorgeous after.

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