A Day at "The Place"

Happy Monday.  How was your weekend?  To be honest, I am not sure where mine went!  I do know that it was gloomy all weekend. Here is what it looked like yesterday.

Great Sunday afternoon nap weather.

I have been working on updating the blog, my Pinterest page and Facebook page trying to get things more professional looking and better organized.  It is so time consuming.  I spent most of my Saturday and Sunday researching and updating.  Reading about and fighting with HTML format/codes really makes the day fly by.  :)   It also gives me more white hair...ugh.  Overall the updates are going well but please be patient if you visit one of my pages and things are acting funny.  I am having some growing pains...which is a good thing but there are going to be a few pains over the next few weeks.  Speaking of, on a positive note my Crazy, Dog People post was featured not once, but twice this weekend.  When I did that furniture project and wrote that post I never thought it would be so popular.  Thank you to all my readers, new and old.

I am trying my best to be more disciplined with how often I post blog updates and to help with that, I am trying to come up with a few theme days.   Mondays are going to be my "Weekend Wrap Up" day.    I was hoping to show you my newly painted dining room table today but I am having some issues with it and that reveal is going to have to wait a few days.  Instead, my first weekend wrap up is going to be about someone else's furniture.

On Saturday, Blittle, the dogs and I woke up early and drove to "the place."  The place is where my in-laws live on some acreage out in the country.  It's not completely out in the middle of nowhere but it is farther out than I ever want to live.  Its the kind of place where the Texas twang is at it's fullest (sometimes I have no idea what his dad is saying and I grew up in Texas) and the hottest topics of conversation are about the drought, the obituaries, spotting deer and hogs or armadillos tearing up fields and yards.  The nearest Wal-Mart is over 20 miles away and it is a regular Wal-Mart, not super.  I didn't even know those existed anymore.  Its a fun place to visit.

We have been so busy with moving and the kitchen redo that we have not had time to visit since we moved back to Texas.  We went to help plant Rye grass which is a winter grass planted for the grazing cattle.

Road trip love.

Even at Nan's house, he loves to watch out the window.

I couldn't get a good picture because of the low light but these two were just too cute.  Kate, my niece, and Sabine played campout with the baby dolls. 

While "the men were workin' the fields", my niece and I took a few photos of my MIL's furniture.  She has some great pieces that have been handed down or she has found in the local antique shops.  Most of it is not my style but I love them anyway.  Some of the pieces are so unique and many are in amazing shape for their age.  Also, her flower beds are beyond words!  With fall trying to show its face here in Texas, her plants are not in full bloom but when they are....WOW.

Here are a few of my favorite things around the house.

They have a typical Texas fire place.  Austin stone.  Texas Star on the mantel.  Deer head.  She decorates for every holiday.

I have never seen a little love seat rocker like this.

I love this round table with spindle legs.  Perfect for a corner or between chairs.

I have a sewing machine similar to this but this one is in perfect condition.  Very pretty.

One of Blittle's grandmothers loved to sew, crochet and stitch.  She made several things for the boys (Blittle has 3 older brothers) to be passed down when they got married.  We have several pieces framed and in our home.  Here are a few things my MIL has in her home.

Now to the outside.  Huge bougainvillea plant.  When it is blooming, it is so beautiful.

When my niece and I walked outside, a rabbit was under the tree.  Can you see him?

Around the house.

She just planted her winter garden.  In the summer this garden is huge!  Tomatoes, cucumbers, squash.  Everything growing out of control and it all tastes so good.  

Biggest lemon plant I have ever seen!

She has several benches and shelves around the house and shop for her little potted plants.

And finally this guy.  Blittle and I have been married for over 7 years.  And for over 7 years, I have been drooling over this cabinet.  Its not green.  Its not jade.  Its not turquoise.  Its the perfect shade of perfect.  I want this cabinet.  I just want to clean it up and design an entire room (my office) around it.  The odds are not in my favor but I am going to stay hopeful that she will let me have it one day.

Can you believe her plants?!  They have been in the home about 10 years so they have had time to mature and fill in.  I know it takes time for a yard to look so great but I want it now!

I hope everyone else had a great weekend and has a good week!

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