Mismatched and Matched....

 I bought this hutch a while back at a garage sale, and I am happy to say I found it just like this, (minus the blue bead board in the back) and I only paid $25!!
Have you ever bought a piece of furniture you just love and you don't really have a reason behind it?  This is one of those pieces.  I don't have some cool story to go with it I just love it.  It has been moved from room to room in our house but it has finally found it's home!

You may remember my Blog post about the hutch on the left (if not here is a reminder)  
I wanted them both to go on this wall and look mismatched and matched all at the same time.  
What better way to do it than with a Blue back drop??  


Linking here:
Huckleberry Love
Coastal Charm
The Dedicated House