Exciting News!

Those of you who know me personally might have heard/read the news yesterday, but for those of you who haven't heard....



****Insert moving to Texas happy dance here****

Brian and I are both from Texas so going "home" is really exciting for us.  His job is taking us to the Houston/Galveston area so we will be close to our families and many of our friends.  New Orleans will always have a special place in our hearts, but we are ready to get back.  

Its crazy the things you miss from your home state.  Last month we flew to Corpus and were sitting in a restaurant taking in our surrounding.  It felt so good to see Texas A&M hats/shirts everywhere, hear Cross Canadian Ragweed and Cooter Graw on a regular country radio station and to see Blue Bonnets growing on the side of the road and in front yards.  We caught ourselves smiling, thinking the same thing....it feels good to be home.

In my last post I mentioned a few projects that were not ready to be posted.  Well, that was packing my POD....

and the entertainment center.....here is a before reminder

The previous owner had already cut a drawer front from the drawer body and most of the drawers didn't close all the way and there were some problems with the doors.  I fixed the alignment problems, built in shelves for the DVD/Cable box/etc, moved and updated the hardware, and painted it Bird's Egg.  It now looks like an entertainment center.  Here is the after.

I am planning on keeping the entertainment center for us.  Our home now has a niche for the TV so as soon as I found out we were probably moving, I decided to keep it and refinish it for us. I love the finished product and hopefully it will work great in our new house.  Click here to see it in our new home.

 Speaking of....we did secretly go house shopping last weekend and have been in negotiations on a particular home.  We are supposed to find out today if our last offer is excepted.  Please pray that it is and that nothing goes wrong with inspections and appraisals and closing goes smoothly.  If things work out, we will only be displaced for a few weeks and we can get started on updating our new house ASAP.  There will definitely be some DIY home posts in the future.

I promise to keep everyone posted and if you live in the Houston area and need furniture worked on, keep me in mind.  Hopefully I will be taking on furniture work in a few months.

SIDE NOTE:  Today is our 7 year anniversary!  Time flies when you are having fun.  Love you, babe!   Here are a few pictures from our special day.

When the doors opened and I started down the aisle.
This is one of my favorites.

On the boat 
My fisherman's groom's cake