After the boutique I promised myself I would chip away at a few of my own To Do's, believe me it is a rather long list that may never be complete! I seem to add to it faster than I can complete it!
I started with the Kitchen!!
When I first did my kitchen I went for the tone on tone look, which really stressed me out, as I had lots of expensive no turning back decisions to make(my kitchen make over). But I really love how it turned out. It just needs a bit of color now!
Turquoise and Lime Green are my accent colors!
Here are just a couple of items I painted up today!
I love how the stenciled box turned out.
These are wood salt and pepper shakers I picked up at the thrift store and painted. A GREAT way to add color.
My kitchen is getting closer to being complete, a few last details and I will post some pictures of the new look, I want to say completed kitchen, but I would be lying to myself. I know I will have to add or change something!