100 Years Ago, George Glessner Elected to the New Hampshire State Legislature

Excerpt from The Littleton Courier
November 7, 1912


John G. M. Glessner Gets Unanimous Vote for Representative

The Democrats made a clean sweep in Bethlehem, a normally Republican town.  The Bull Moose vote was not large, but the defection from the Republicans was sufficient to destroy their supremacy.  The voters evidently started at the top to vote Democratic and got the habit so strong that they continued on down through the ticket. 

A feature of the Bethlehem election that should not be overlooked was the unanimous election of John G. M. Glessner, who, though a Republican, had no Democratic opponent.  Mr. Glessner has done a great deal for Bethlehem and will continue to do so in the legislature.

Bethlehem knows how to recognize and reward her benefactors.  In the election of John G. M. Glessner by a unanimous vote they did the handsome and the proper thing by one who has already done the handsome thing for Bethlehem. 

John G. M. Glessner (known as George by his family) began his term in the New Hampshire state legislature on January 1, 1913.  He was reelected for three additional terms in 1915, 1925, and 1927.  During his time in the legislature he served as a member of the House Judiciary Committee and the Revision of Statutes Committee.  He also held the position of Secretary of the Board of State Institutions. 

George Glessner died on January 10, 1929 in Concord, New Hampshire at the age of 57, less than two weeks after completing his fourth term in the legislature.