Making Some Changes

You have probably been wondering why I haven't published my post on the details of the $6500 bathroom budget.  Some of you have no idea what I am talking about because Facebook only let 250 followers see the link to my budget post a few weeks ago.

The truth is, I am not happy with that budget.  Ever since I came up with the budget and shared the decisions with y'all, I have had anxiety.  I want a specific look and feel in my bathroom and $6500 is not an unreasonable amount to invest in the master but, I just don't want to spend that much.  Period. And it was probably going to cost more.  As I was getting quotes, and realizing some of the prep work we will have to do, it was actually going to cost OVER $7000 and was getting closer to $8,000 everyday.

There are too many things on my to do list next year (going to Europe, updating the other bathroom, having a life) to spend that much on one bathroom.  And this is why it is so important to do research and get quotes before the remodel starts.  There were so many things that I did not realize we needed to do or would have to purchase.

For the past few weeks I have been researching and looking at a bazillion pictures to think of a way to save.  Things I have been asking myself.....What can I live without?  Where can I make changes to save the most money?  Can I find the same products cheaper?

My goal is to get this makeover well under $6000.  I have to give up my precious calacatta gold tiles and counter top but life will go on and the bathroom will still be beautiful.

Here are the big expenses I have decided to keep.

  • The shower base.  Cost $600.

For all showers, you have to have a sloped, waterproof shower base and install a drain.  This can be done by framing out the shower pan, lining with different plastic liners, and pouring a special concrete/mortar base creating a slope to the drain.  Then you tile on top of that.  It is a multistep process and there is tons of room for error.  I have decided to buy a pre made shower base.

My reasons:  Materials to DIY a shower base are not cheap.  Several bloggers I follow, had to do their bases more than once, meaning more materials and more cost and more time.  But the biggest reason, it is a HUGE time saver.

Remember, time is money.  My time is money and it is worth a lot.  :) Well, its worth a lot to me.   Even more expensive time, my husband's.  I treat all home updates as my job.  During the bathroom remodel, I will not take on much, if any, furniture work.  The investment into our home and sweat equity earned is my job.  The last thing I want, is to have to wait all day for Brian to get home from work to help me.  Working after work is miserable.  Been there.  Done that.  And I don't want my husband to have to do it.  I will spend more money to save my husband from having to help and save me hours of time to work on something else.

Although I am pretty sure I can frame out and pour a DIY shower base, a pre made shower base is something I know without a doubt, I can install on my own correctly and quickly the first time.

  • The glass shower door.  Cost $900-$1100 including installation.  

So....I could live without this.  But I don't want to.  You don't makeover and create a beautiful shower just to hide it behind a curtain.  It is okay to not settle sometimes.  This is one of those times.  That's all I have to say about that.

Things I have decided to compromise on.

  • The sink.  My first and second choice sinks.  $550 - $650.

The compromise.  This Ikea sink for $250.  I know the differences are subtle but I can see them and I really like the first two sinks better.  Having said that, this Ikea sink is very similar and will save me $300.  That savings is worth the less attractive sink.

  • The marble tile.  My first choice was 2" Calacatta gold marble tiles.  $15.99/sq ft

The compromise.  White hexagon tiles for $3/sq ft.  The white is going to have a different look and feel than the marble but I think it is going to be a better fit for our home.  We are trying to keep the classic, coastal, cottage feel through out the house and I think the white is a better choice for that.  This is a savings of $200.

  • The marble countertop.  My first choice was Calacatta gold marble.  $2,000-$2,500.  

I knew marble was expensive and we have a good size counter in our bathroom but I was a little shocked when I saw how high some of the quotes were (a few were even higher).  Cost of marble depends on the slab, edge style, holes cut for faucets and drains, and installation.  It got expensive quick.  A great way to save on marble is to find a remnant piece but with the shape of our counter, that was going to be near impossible.  The other thing that bothered me was my single 40" sink was going to cover a large portion of the marble.  Why am I paying so much for a counter that is going to be covered in one section?

The compromise.  Eco by Cosentino quartz in White Diamond.  Cost including installation $850.  We considered this countertop for the kitchen.  It has the look of Vetrazzo without the outrageous price.  Ultimately, this countertop did not fit in our kitchen budget but it is a great choice for the bathroom.  It looks great with the white subway tiles and white sink.  Also, it is very durable for all the use a bathroom counter gets.

These are the only changes I have made so far.  I am hoping to find a few more places to save.  As of now, these changes have saved around $2000.  Hopefully over the next few months I can find more places to save.

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