Old Chest, New Life!

This little chest had defiantly seen better day when I got her home.  Often times when I haul a piece home my husband will give me one of those...are you out of your mind looks...this piece was no exception.  She was legless and half covered in paint!  But, I am a sucker for old chests and I love the fun little details that were still intact!  

After I got this chest home....my assumptions were true, the remaining paint on this chest was LEAD BASED!!  EEEKKKK!!  Being that I am pregnant I didn't want to take the risk of removing the paint myself, so my amazing husband and assistant came to the rescue and removed the paint for me...with a chemical stripper of course!  Once this piece was lead free it was mine turn to fix her up and give her a new life!

And I couldn't be happier with how she cleaned up.......

I lined the drawers with old sheet music to add a fun flare to the chest.

and here is a close up of the wood appliqués .... Stunning

This piece is For Sale for more information please see my Furniture For Sale Tab at the top of the page