DIY Dock Progress - Part 3

There is light at the end of the tunnel!  I can see it!  We are so close!

This weekend we finished up the framing for the dock AND we started putting down deck boards.  Sunday afternoon we ran out of stainless steel screws so we were forced to stop.  It was nice taking the evening off and resting.  After two weekends of work, and I have been working on it some during the week, we are tired.  Can't wait to relax out on the dock!

This week, the conduit needs to be put in for electricity and our plumbing needs to be ran as well.   Once we decide our exact location for outlets and lights, we will get things ready for the electrician.  To save money, we are digging the hole and running the conduit ourselves.  The electrician will just have to run the wires and install the boxes.

If you missed it, I am on Instagram now.  Be sure to follow me to get more updates and see pictures not posted on Facebook!

Have a great Monday, everyone!  I have a busy, busy week ahead.  Be sure to check out Instagram to see a few dressers I have available for makeovers.

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