My First Free Motion Quilt!!

If you follow me on Facebook or Instagram I have been posting a bunch of half finished projects lately, well I promise I am actually finishing them.  

First up is the Baby Boy's quilt!

When I was pregnant with my 2nd baby girl I took a basic quilting class from one of my good friends.  I learned how to piece and how big to make a seam, is is 1/4 of an inch, but that was about the extent of it.  I had intentions of learning more but we moved before I gave birth so I had her quilt basted, quilted and bound by my friend.

 I LOVE this quilt pattern I don't have to match any corners and it comes together pretty fast!  I had intended on having a neighbor baste, quilt and bind this quilt for me as well until my husband encouraged me to learn how to do it myself.  After all he did just buy me 2 new Bernina sewing machines.

I used Blake Riley's Scoot line for this quilt.

My Grandma is an amazing at quilting and well anything that has to do with sewing.  I wish she lived closer but she was at least able to give me a few good pointers and point me in the right direction.

First I had to learn how to baste.  Yes, at first I felt a bit overwhelmed by this until I learned you can baste with a spray adhesive!  

I found this amazing tutorial on Quilting in the Rain.  She has a great step by step tutorial to calm anyones nerves!

Next came learning how to Free Motion Quilt.......EEEEK

Lucky for me my Grandma pointed me to Leah Day's Blog.  
WOW, she is an amazing quilter, and got me off to a good start.  

Here is the first video from her Quilt Along Series - Let's Wiggle

I watched 1 through 4 several times, be warned she makes it look so easy but it takes a lot of practice.  

I would recommend investing in gloves I bought mine from Amazon for $9
and the free motion quilting foot is a must.  If you sew with a Bernina it is #29

I spent hours and hours practicing on scrap pieces and when I felt comfortable enough I started on this quilt.  Unfortunately for me I got to unpick the quilt a few times, which I would not recommend to anyone.  I kept having tensions problems and making eyelashes, after several days I was ready to chuck my machine out the window and call it quits. 

I found Amy's Free Motion Quilting Adventures, she has a great article about tension and getting it just perfect.  

With a bit more practice I finally got my hands and feet in sync.  I would be lying however if I said this quilt was perfect, there are still some areas and I can see my mistakes but for my first time around I am proud of myself!

Last was to bind it!  I originally wanted to bind it with my machine so I followed this great tutorial by  Swim Bike Sew however I couldn't get it to look as good as hers so I left the stitching on the back and I hand sewed the binding to the front.  

I would have to say this was one of those projects that seemed to be a HUGE mountain for me to climb.  I was a bit intimidated but I am so glad I kept with it.  I enjoyed free motion quilting more than piecing a quilt.  

I am currently working on my daughters twin quilts!

I hope this helps you get started!

