Ashley Whittaker Design

This beautiful Greenwich, Connecticut home by New York City designer Ashley Whittaker photographed by Francesco Lagnese and James Merrell is brimming with cool blues, greens and grays for look that's so fresh and pretty! I can't even pick a favorite room! Love the dreamy blue bedroom, the kitchen with the Urban Electric lanterns, the bedroom with the Quadrille-swathed bed and the bathroom with the whimsical Cole & Sons Woods wallpaper! You can see lots more photos of the home here, as well as an article about it from House Beautiful here! And take a look at a flash-back post to one of my all-time favorite homes designed by Ashley Whittaker here!

I can't believe it but it's already time for another Wesley update! The little man turned 8 months old on Easter, so I got a quick photo of him in his cute little outfit before church. These chair pics are getting a lot harder to take now...he just wants to crawl right off!

Cutest thing ever, right?! ;)

(click on the image to see it bigger)

Happy weekend everyone!!

Love turquoise? Visit my shopping blog Everything Turquoise...updated several times throughout the day! Check out Decor by Color for even more color-themed shopping!