What A Week!

What a week!

Is there an echo in here?

Didn't last week's post start out with that statement?

Yes, it did but for a totally different reason.

On a good note, all the Drexel pieces are sold!  I am pretty much booked with work until January which is so exciting!  I didn't expect to be this busy this fast.  Even though Fisherman's Wife Furniture isn't a new business, I had to start all over when we moved which was terrifying.  I wasn't sure how long it would take to get the word out about me and my business or if I could get clients with all the competition here.  I am very, very thankful for all of my new clients and everyone that is bringing me business.   You can read about all the pieces I am currently working on in last week's post.

Now for the bad.  This week was so busy.  No matter how much or fast I worked, I just couldn't get enough done.  My parents spent the night Wednesday and my mom and I went shopping in downtown Galveston Thursday morning for a few clients.  The one store I needed to get in was closed and out of all the other stores we went in, I didn't find what I needed for either client.  BLAH! Then while at lunch my husband called and told me his truck had been stolen while he was at his job site.  WHAT?!  In broad daylight.  In a somewhat busy area.  A coworker saw it when he left 15 minutes before Blittle walked out and discovered it missing.  MOST FRUSTRATING THING EVER.  There is nothing you can do except call your insurance and wait.    Luckily he didn't have anything too valuable inside.  His wedding band, expensive sun glasses and some engineering books and drawings.  My brain went in total shut down mode after that.  The rest of Thursday was a waste and Friday I tried to be productive but I couldn't seem to stay focused.

They did find the truck late Friday but all we know is the rims and wheels are gone, it has damage on the driver's side door and the steering column.  Today we will find out how bad the outside damage actually is and what they took and/or damaged inside.  Thankfully, Brian's work has been great, they let him borrow a work truck Thursday night, and our insurance has been great as well...so far.  I am praying that this all gets settled soon and we can get our truck back ASAP.

Now back to furniture....

Here are some progress pictures from this week.

Side note:  I can't wait to show you the projects that are Christmas presents!  I am finishing several this week but can't show you until the week after Christmas.  So excited!

Nursery Side Table


The client is replacing the hardware.

China Cabinet

The china cabinet was purchased last weekend and I am so excited about it's transformation.  It was so dark and sad before.

Here is a sneak peek of the after.

My Guest End Tables

I finished my end tables for my guest room but I am only giving a sneak peek today.  I'll show you the afters in tomorrow's post.  


The sneak peek

A drawer stained a gorgeous American Walnut and new glass knobs.

I hope everyone has a great Monday.  Stay warm!  And check back tomorrow to see the after pictures of my end tables.

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