Updates and Some Exciting News!


I hope everyone is having a great day!  I have many, many, many things to be thankful for every day.  Today I am especially thankful BLittle, the dogs and I get to eat lunch with my family,  my dad's fried turkey, and my mom's mini pecan pies.  I am thankful my bootcamp instructor inspired me to work out the past 3 days like a crazy lady so I can enjoy all those wonderful foods guilt free :)

Things have been really quiet on the blog the past few weeks and I apologize for that.  The weather here was super cold and rainy and when the rain stopped it stayed super cold.  This Texas girl HATES cold!  We are installing an AC/heater in the shop soon so I can stay warm while working and it will keep the temperature high enough for me to paint.  Did y'all know if its too cold, paint does some weird things?!  I am using that as my excuse for not being productive but if I am being honest, I am really just a baby when it comes to being cold.  I am looking forward to the slightly warmer temps next week and the heater in the shop.  I can't wait to show y'all some of the projects I have been working on.  Remember the Drexel, Bow Front pieces I told y'all about?!  Their new looks are in progress! So excited!

On to the the exciting news...

If you missed it on my Facebook Page yesterday, I was featured this week by Furniture Flippin'.  This was not just a mention of my name feature.  She did a whole blog post on me and the dresser I inherited from my grandparents.  Crazy!  I am so flattered and grateful!  I have never posted about the dresser so now is your chance to read about it.  Click here to go to the blog post.  Also, if you love my work, you need to be following Stephanie at Furniture Flippin' too.  She has some amazing stuff!

The "after" picture she used in her post is from our home in New Orleans.  Now that we live in Texas, the piece is in our dining area being used as a coffee bar and stores all my bakeware that is only used a few times a year.  I love that I get to use the dresser everyday and it is not sitting sad and lonely in the front entry anymore.  There is a plan for the wall over the dresser but I haven't had time to get to that project yet.  Here is a little sneak peek of the dining room.

More great exciting news....

A few months ago, I got an email from one of my favorite popular DIY blogs asking if they could feature me.   Of course I told them yes, I would love to be featured.  The fact that they knew I existed was enough to make my day!  They replied with an email detailing that they wanted me to be a guest blogger!  WHAT?!  A GUEST BLOGGER?!  (insert hysterical laughing and denial here) I couldn't believe it.  I had to forward the email to Blittle while he was at work to make sure I read the email right.  I have been visiting Remodelaholic for years now and love what they and their guest bloggers do.  All of the projects are amazing.  The fact that they noticed my project and were impressed with it enough to feature it was just beyond comprehension for me.

Anyway, they loved my DIY'ed kitchen and wanted me to write a post for their site.  Most of you who follow me have seen the Kitchen Reveal post but this guest post has some different info and different pictures from what I posted here.  I wanted it to be something new for my readers too.  Please be sure to visit Remodelaholic this Saturday, November 30th to read my guest post.  I will put the link on my Facebook page with some reminders that day.  I can't wait to see it! (insert still in denial but really excited here)

UPDATE:  Here is the link to the guest post.  It will be live 8 AM CST Saturday morning!

Speaking of Saturday....

This Saturday, November 30th is Small Business Saturday.  Remember:  SHOP SMALL!  Be sure to shop local boutiques and stores or some of your favorite small businesses online.   Also,  shop tiny businesses like mine!  You can get many of my available items at a small business near my neighborhood.  Southern Shores Resale.  Stop by if you are in the area.  Southern Shores Resale is having a giveaway for shopping with them!  Purchase an item and your name will be put in a drawing for a prize worth $100.  The winner will be announced December 22nd.

Have great holiday everyone and safe travel!

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