1 Year Blogiversary

Happy Birthday, Blog!

I can't beleive it has been a year already.  So much has happened and changed in our lives in the past 12 months.  Most mornings I wake up in denial that this is my life.  One short year ago, I was living in New Orleans, teaching high school geometry and refinishing furniture at night and on the weekends.   Now, we are back in Texas and I live in a great little waterfront house (has been our goal since we got married), I am my own boss and I am working from home.  Wow.  I might be the luckiest girl in the world.

I started the blog to have a better way to show my work to possible future clients and it was a great way for our family and friends in Texas to keep up with us when we were in New Orleans.  In the beginning, I really knew nothing about blogs except that you write and post pictures.  Kind of like a digital journal.  I think back to how simple my blog was when I first started and what it looks like today....I really have learned A LOT and the blog has come a long way.  It almost looks professional.  :)

Below is a little recap of my most popular and favorite posts.

Top 3 viewed:

3rd:  DIY Refrigerator Enclosure (click here to read)

In this post, I describe how we built our fridge enclosure.  This is one of the first things we did in the kitchen (see the kitchen reveal here) and boy, did it change things.  Having the fridge built in and not just put at the end of the cabinets has really made the kitchen look polished.  Custom kitchens always have built ins and this is a great way to give your kitchen a custom feel at a small expense.

2nd: Crazy, Dog People (click here to read)

When I did this project, I didn't think much of it.  We were having some storage issues with the dogs' food and other items and I was just trying to fix it.  I was tired of food bowls in the hallway and food containers in the guest room.  I turned an ugly, blah brown dresser into storage and a feeding center.  It is now beautiful and I am so glad I tried this even though I wasn't sure it would work.  We love it!

1st:  The Kitchen Reveal (click here to read)

The most viewed post this year has been the Kitchen Reveal.   Its a favorite post for me because the kitchen was by far the biggest project I have taken on and finally being able to show off our hard work felt so good.  We DIYed the entire space and I was able to choose my products and design.  Although I thought designing the space was going to be over whelming, it actually went fairly smooth and by the time we moved in, most of our products were picked out and ordered.  I had a vision and our final product is exactly what I wanted.  LOVE IT.  We still stare at it in disbelief.  It is crazy that our kitchen was scary and orange only 4 months ago and now it is light, bright and beautiful.

So now that you have seen the most viewed, here are my top 3 furniture favorites.

3rd: Grey and White Dresser (Click here to read)

I love grey and white. It makes me so happy when clients want grey and white. This was for a client that came to my house to see another dresser.  It wasn't quite what she was looking for so I told her I could find her something better and do a custom finish for her.  I found the perfect dresser that week!  Lucky!  She wanted something that was grey and white but wasn't too harsh.  Turned out amazing!

2nd: Princess Desk (Click here to read)

This beautiful desk is a family piece of a friend.  He wanted it painted to match his daughters' beds so it could be used in their room.  It was in rough shape when I first got it but it transformed into a beautiful piece.  His daughter said it made her feel like a princess sitting at it.  That made my heart smile.

1st: Before & After Custom Dresser (Click here to read)

I LOVE this dresser.  My client is a friend that had found this dresser at a resale shop years before.  In preparation to sell her home, she had some furniture updated so the home would be staged well and show better.  This was only one of the projects I did for her but it is by far my favorite.  Her husband couldn't believe it when he walked in and saw this gorgeous dresser instead of the bland one he dropped off.  The dramatic change is unbelievable and the final result is beautiful.

My Favorite Funny Post: Let's Talk Lights (Click here to see it)

By far the funniest post!  I didn't really intend for it to be funny as I was just being honest.  This was the most popular post for a long time.

Thank you to everyone that reads my blog and spreads the word about my business.  Thank you to all my clients for trusting me with your beautiful (well, maybe not beautiful at first) furniture and letting me rescue your pieces.  

An unbelievably, HUGE thank you to my husband for supporting me in this business adventure.  I love you!  There are not enough "thank you"s to truly show how grateful I am.

I can't wait to see what the next year holds for Fisherman's Wife Furniture.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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