A Hint of Halloween in the Office

I don't usually get around to decorating for holidays, I have good intentions but time gets away from me and before I know it the holiday has come and gone!  Or if I do decorate the decorations seem to say up way too long.....but Halloween (and Christmas) are the exception! 

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, I always so excited to pull out the decorations.

This witch is my very favorite Halloween decoration.  Every time I pull out the decorations she is the first one I look for.  My friends mom made her for me awhile back and she is perfect!

Look at her cute kitty treat bucket.  Oh, I just love her.  
Come to think of it I haven't even named her...SUGGESTIONS?

My front table, don't mind the open socket...I didn't realize that until after the pictures were taken...but it is kind of creepy right??

I love the rocks painted with Chalkboard paint!  Every Halloween my daughters come up with new "scary" Halloween words to go on the rocks!
And what would decorations be with out candy corns?  I had to hurry and take the pictures, they are disappearing fast.

Here sits Franky

and his friend the Mummy

  I try to keep most of my Holiday decorations to this room.  I am terrible at taking them down so if I go crazy with it they usually stay up until Christmas!  

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend