Guest Blogger: Brit from House Updated

Hi there House of Turquoise friends!  I'm Brit from House Updated and I am ridiculously excited to be joining you today as a guest blogger while Erin is off being a new mom.  I'd say we are both winners in this exchange - she gets to cuddle a new cutie and I get to be part of her awesome blog.

My favorite part about this blog is all the amazing pictures and rooms you get to see.  Less talk, more pics - I like it.  So instead of spending too much time chattering on, I'll just give you the short backstory of our guest bedroom and then let the photos do the rest of the talking.

When we moved in, the room was very peachy-pink.  Not cute.  The room stayed that way for nearly three years until one day we tore everything out and got to work.  We tore out carpet, had our floors refinished, painted every other surface in the room, took a pair of old nightstands and painted them white with a peekaboo turquoise interior, styled things up with turquoise lamps and geometric art, built an upholstered headboard, and added a new duvet and pillows to tie all that turquoise and gray and white together.  And then it was done.  Phew.  Now onto the photos.

After finishing up this room, we also snuck some turquoise into the adjoining guest bathroom (which we renovated as well), in the form of palest turquoise walls and framed marbled paper art.

The rooms work together really well and it is so fun to spread the turquoise love throughout our house.

Thanks so much for checking out our guest bedroom (and the sneak peek of our guest bathroom).  Feel free to pop over to House Updated any time for more info on these rooms and all the other house updates we've got going on.  But be forewarned, I can be a little wordier over there...
Thanks again!
