Old Chest, New Life

Here is the before of this little chest, yes it is a sight to see.  It was quite dirty, so dirty it grossed me out a bit.  But you don't run across these chest very often around this neck of the woods so I bought it (And I was even proud of myself for buying it.)  I am so glad I did......  

Here she is after a lot of sanding and scrubbing!


There was about 4 layers of paint on this chest.  I stripped the top and drawers and then sanded them down to get the remaining paint off.  I sanded the sides down really really good, and then applied a coat of cream paint ( it is a custom color)  The drawers and top are stained with Miniwax's Dark Walnut. ( I like Dark Walnut because it doesn't go orange.)  

I love dandelions, not in my yard though.  
I looked for a stencil for the front of this chest but I couldn't find what I had in mind.  So I got out the paper and pencil and started drawing.  Now I am not an artist, my sister is an amazing artist, apparently that gene skipped over me.  It took me awhile to finally figure out how to simplify a dandelion and how to make them look right on the chest.  I am happy to report I love the end product.  
I had intentions of selling this piece, but it is staying put!

Aren't these vintage handles beautiful?  I found them in the classifieds awhile back and they have just been hanging out in the garage, apparently waiting for this chest! 


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