Let's Talk Lights

Warning:  Graphic Content......not really but kind of.......it might offend a few of you........my mom doesn't like when I say it or talk about it......sorry in advance

I have this weird thing with light fixtures.  Its a serious problem.  It started about 10 years ago when I was staying at a nice hotel in Houston with some friends.  At some point we were walking through the hall to our room and someone said, "Look.  Their light fixture looks like a boob."  I am thinking to myself, surely not.  No one would do that, right?  Who would put a light fixture up that looks like a woman's breast?!  Well, people....they did.  Huge ones.  And sadly, a lot of you have them up in your house right now.  You might not even realize it.  I never did until it was pointed out and as the saying goes, you can't unring a bell.  I will never look at a light fixture the same again and now, neither will you.  :)

 Here are a few examples from the Lowes website so you know what I am talking about.

Those of you that didn't realize you had boobs on your ceiling, you're welcome.  I refer to "boobie lights" more than I should but they are everywhere and they drive me crazy because they are everywhere! 

Shopping for new lights for our home was not easy.  For whatever reason, that shape light is very popular.  It seems to be the most popular light shape on the market.  I was starting to think I couldn't totally avoid them.  Lights that I do like are the schoolhouse style so that is where I focused my search.  They are classic yet many have a modern twist and I think they are great for the casual feel we want in our home.   Even some schoolhouse styles have the look I like to avoid, but not all.  It took me a long time to finally decide on some.  I found several that were acceptable at Schoolhouse Electric & Supply Co. but they were all a little more than I wanted to pay so I did some research, love me some google, and found some similar ones at Destination Lighting for a more reasonable price.

Today I put up the hallway lights and I love them.  The lights that were there weren't that bad but they didn't have any character.  I thought they were boring.  Here are some before pictures:

I also have a thing about yellow light from light bulbs.  Hate it.
We are slowly replacing them all to daylight bulbs.

Here is a picture with one new light and one old.

And the after.

Nice bright light.  Love it.

 I am using the same style lights in the kitchen over the sink and a larger one as the main light on the ceiling.  Speaking of the kitchen, we have started the kitchen demo.  I will post some progress pictures soon.  I am also working on the deck.  Furniture should be here in a few days along with some accessories.  The rug has already arrived and I love it so I can't wait to put it all together.  This is what I have now.

Isn't it sad?  And its boring.  And uncomfortable.  Those chairs were left by the previous owner and the cushions were melting (yes, melting) so we took them off.  Now we sit on the chairs without them which is not comfortable at all.  I am anxiously waiting for my glider sofa and club chairs to get here.  We spend a lot of time out on the deck so I am going for an outdoor room feel. 

Kitchen pictures and updates tomorrow.  And I promise no more inappropriate content.  Have a great day everyone!