Glazing with a Stain

I have always loved to glaze with a stain, I love how it really antiques the piece, and I love how brown  Dark Walnut stain is, it never seems to look orange.  The only draw back is working time is VERY VERY short, well I have a solution!  My bar stools were my first experiment and I am so pleased with how they turned out, I had to try it on a few accessories too and of course share!

Here is what I did

I mixed 1 part of Mini Wax's Dark Walnut with 2 parts Valspar's Clear Mixing Glaze. 
#1 paint your item your desired color
#2 Distress it.  I wanted white to show through so I first primed it and then painted the pink over the top.
#3 Brush your above mixture all over.  Now adding the mixing glaze does increase your working time however it still does dry faster than a regular glaze so have wet wipes on hand to wipe off quickly.  If you are doing a bigger piece, for example my stools, I picked an area, painted on the stain glaze mixture and then wiped it off before moving on to another area.   

and TADA...

I used the same technique on this shelf and look at the difference, instant antiquing!

