Evolution of my Daughters Room!

I redid my daughter's room again.  I know I am a bit crazy! 
Here is what it looked like when we first bought the house.  A little brown!

I really liked her room as seen below but it is a very small room and with the bed coming out into the room it made the space feel even smaller than it already was. (full post here, including paint colors)

I had been contemplating getting a day bed, but didn't really want to start all over.  Until I found this dresser, (full post on the dresser here)  it all snowballed after that!  First the dresser, then the day bed, then the moving of everything, then new accessories and so on and so forth!
Who would think so much goes into decorating a room right?

My daughter is very much a princess, I wanted to make sure her personality was reflected in her room! 
I glazed the shelf and picture frames to antique them! Tutorial to come on glazing!

I found some cute vintage sheet music at a local thrift store.  What fun art work!

I made her pink Pottery Barn look a like pillow, Post here  Her douvet cover I ordered from Pottery Barn Kids.  The pillows I have collected over the years, I think most came from TJ Maxx.  

I am hoping I don't decide to change her room again!  I haven't even made it to my second daughters room yet!



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