Have a Heart?

I hope everyone is staying warm.  It is so cold here in Salt Lake City, Utah.  They are saying this is the coldest it has been in 30 years.  Brrrrr!  
This last weekend I went on a business trip with my husband while the kiddo's stayed home with my mom.  The trip was so fun and slightly warmer, I got to sleep in, go shopping, read a book and just enjoy my own thoughts.  Even though these things are nice every now and again it made me miss my girls and really appreciate their company.  
While we were gone a huge snow storm blew in, they even named it.  When we left we had NO snow and when we got home this is what it looked like!  Crazy huh??

I used to decorate for holidays all the time, lately I have been a little lax.  However I love Valentines Day, and I love most of my decorations so I had to get them out!  

Here is a sneak peek at my table center pieces, a hint of Valentines!

I have always loved conversation hearts, so we need lots.  Of all sizes of course.

