Decorating for Christmas

Many of you know Christmas is my favorite holiday.  There is something about everyone being a little bit happier that just makes me happier.  This year, I decided not to put up the tree (GASP, I know).  We are super busy this month and we are not going to be here for Christmas day so I just did my wreath and stockings.

The wreath was one of my first Pinterest projects from last year.  I made one for myself, as well as for my mom, MIL, and SIL.  They are super easy and CHEAP which are the 2 most important things when you decide to do a project.  All you need is a grapevine wreath, ribbon, ornaments, and Christmas foliage (Poinsettias, peppermint sprigs, holly, etc).  I got my wreath from Joann's with a coupon so it only cost about $4 and all the ribbon and accessories I got at Wal-Mart.  I decided to go with plastic ornaments so the wreath could be stored easily and I don't have to worry about the ornaments breaking.  To decorate the wreath, I tied pieces of ribbon and ornaments to the grapevine.  THAT'S IT.  So easy!  Overall, it's just a bunch of knots with ornaments, sprigs and poinsettias smashed in there.

My Wreath
My Mom's wreath.  She does red and blue with cardinals for her Christmas decor.  

The stockings are new this year.  After contemplating making my own since pretty stockings at a specialty store or online apparently are worth the price of gold, I decided I didn't have time and bought these white ones at Wal-Mart for $7 each.  Now we need stocking holders....another price of gold item...of course the ones I like are $30 each or something crazy like that, times 4...I don't think so.  I am not spending $120 on stocking holders!  So, I bought the new clear tab hooks by 3M.  I used one on the window to hang my wreath and I used 4 on the mantle to hang the stockings.  Of course, this left things looking a little plain and the white stockings needed something.  I used the left over ribbon from my wreath with a mixture of left over plastic ornaments and real ornaments from our tree and I tied them together and hung them from the "stocking holder".  The finished product ended up being very nice and I am really happy with it AND most importantly, I didn't have to spend a fortune to get it.

The letter I purchased at Hobby Lobby and spray painted it red.  It is sitting on the mantle with a cluster of ornaments and ribbon.  Very simple but it adds a little something.

A furniture update:  I have been working on a dresser but I had the cold that would never end last week and I am behind on it.  I am hoping to have it finished this weekend and will post pics soon.  Also, I have a huge announcement!  I will be posting it tomorrow so check back tomorrow evening to see what it is!