Busy Week

I have not been able to write in a week!  Either I have not had time to sit down at the computer to write a post or when I do sit down, my brain shuts off and I can't think of anything to write.  So this post is a short and sweet update about my week.

With it being the last week of school before the Thanksgiving break, the kids were a little antsy and excited about the break.  High school students seem to get more immature the closer a holiday gets.  I came home exhausted everyday and I didn't get much furniture work done but there was a little progress.

I decided to start working on an amazing waterfall front bedroom set that appears to be from the 1930s-1940s.  It has this beautiful dresser, end table, and a twin size headboard/footboard.  The dresser is almost finished and the end table and bed will be done soon after.

Also, there has been progress in my office.  I am sad to say that the room had previously been our "junk room" and had a collection of random things without a home.  So things have been assigned a new home and it is starting to look empty.  Finding a desk was a little problem.  I wanted a large work surface for crafts, sewing, and storage.  I had been stalking Craigslist for months but nothing ever caught my eye.  Finally, I got desperate and went to a few stores to shop for a new desk (gasp) which I just felt awful about.  How  could someone who refinishes furniture go buy a new desk?  Tragic.  But shopping new wasn't a success either.  Then, the other day I found it...on Craigslist, of course.  Now, I need to finish my curtains and get everything organized and in place.  It will be finished this week so check back for my office reveal post.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and Thanksgiving.  Hopefully there will be several more posts between now and then.