What a Fan FREAKING tastic Day

As I have sat here and read everyone else's blogs I started thinking about my own and then those thoughts turned to my day.  WOW, what a day.

I have been DE JUNKING, like a mad women, for our garage sale on Saturday, and really because I am tired of tripping over the all the crap I feel the need to horde.  I finally finished this afternoon, WOW what a nice feeling.

One of my Besties from high school was in town and came to visit.  It was so great to see her and talk.  She has the cutest little baby boy!  (hopefully I will get one of those one day, the boy part that is)

After she left my day REALLY began.....my husband found a dresser, not any old dresser but THE dresser I had to have.  I called the lady and she still had it!  I told her I would be there shortly (HA HA) I run upstairs to find my phone which was plugged into my charger but it wasn't there.  I am running through the house frantically.  I finally found it 10 minutes later, in the basement, in my daughters toy chest.  Yes, my 1 year old has a crazy obsession with phones.  So I THINK we are ready to go.  I get the girls in the car and my wallet is missing.  I start to search for it frantically, no luck, still haven't found it, I really hope it turns up soon.  Lucky for me my husband was almost home so he gives me cash and I am off to Salt Lake to pick up the dresser an hour later.
I am trying to find this lady's house and I get lost, all I could do at this point was laugh really.  I finally find her house, she takes me into her basement and there it stands, the MOST beautiful dresser I have ever seen.  It has got to be 100 years old, it has a mirror on the top and it is silver backed!  It is BEAUTIFUL.  I think I might really dream about it tonight!  Never in my wildest dreams have I ever imagined this Dresser (I will post pics tomorrow)

After I get the dresser home, I feed the kiddo's, because at this point it is 3 pm and we still hadn't had lunch.  Don't worry they got their favorite from Dairy Queen, which includes a blizzard.

After we ate it was off for more treasure hunting and I stopped by my new found favorite store, Lost and Found Thrift.  I found a few treasures and a dresser!!!  This store makes me feel like a little kid all over again!  I just love how excited I get!!!  It is helpful that I love the couple that runs it.  They are both so much fun to talk to.  And they are so willing to help and look for anything my heart desires.  Which sometimes is a little crazy.

Then out to dinner with my dad, which was delicious!

 And to top the day off I got my hair cut.  I love my hair stylist who does my hair at 9pm! she is so much fun to talk to.

Well it is late, I better get out of here.

Wish me luck finding my wallet!!!