The outside progress!

This is what our house looked like when we bought it.  I know some people love the overgrown look but it isn't my favorite!  It attracted too many bugs and yes it attracts snakes too YIKES!  I HATE SNAKES!!

 So....It all came down.....with a little help from the family and my brother's chain saw.

Under the flowers was this cool dry scape pattern with gravel, river rock and flagstone.  I liked the pattern and the way it was laid out but with 2 little girls we need grass!

We had to tear the railing down, because the vines that were growing on the house ruined it.  And yes we are still working on getting it put back up!  
I love the curbing, and the flagstone planter my husband made me up by the house!  I LOVE flowers, so I made sure I had lots of room for them!

The first of December we had a HORRIBLE wind storm with wind gusts of over 100 mph.  The flying objects cracked and broke our siding so we are in the process of replacing the siding. 

                    My daughter tells me she really likes having a pink house!

 I have never put colors together for an outside and once all the vines came off of the house we noticed the shingles don't match the brick.  So trying to make everything come together and looks good has added a few gray hairs.  

We are doing Hardy Board and Shakes, I am so excited to see it done and hopefully it is how I am picturing it in my head!  

