The BEST fresh Salsa EVER

My Mom and I had been looking for a good salsa recipe forever...until we found one a couple years ago.  I have taken that one and made it my own.  The thing I have found with fresh salsa is that it always tastes different sometime I love a batch and sometimes it is not my favorite.  So just experiment.

Every time I take this salsa somewhere I am always handing out the recipe!  It is so easy too!

I would recommend chopping everything in a chopper NOT the blender.  It is better chunky!  You will also want to take the seeds out of your peppers if you don't want it to be spicy!

Here is the coveted recipe

20 Roma Tomatoes
2 Green Peppers
3 Sweet Banana Peppers
2 Jalapenos
1 onion
4 cloves of garlic minced
Celantro (optional)
Garlic salt/onion salt to taste (I used lots)