Outside update, Rivalry, and a word of caution....

Here is the before...you may have already seen it...but just as a reminder!

Yes, there is a house under all of that!  My brothers and sisters all came over and wow it came down pretty fast!  Anytime you give my Brother in Law a chain saw things seem to move, he gets a little chain saw happy.  I had to stand in front of a few trees to insure he didn't cut them down!  To give you an idea we had a dump trailer full of foilage and the dump weighed us in at over 2 tons.  WOW...and to think there is still more!  We will be pulling out all the gravel and planting grass as it is much softer for the kiddos to play on.
The blue must go.  Today is the BYU vs University of Utah game.  We are Utah fans, for those of you who don't know their colors are RED, and yes BYU's colors are BLUE.  My husband is a big smack talker and really enjoys getting into the spirit of the game...apparently someone felt the need to get him back.  But I do have to say it was quite a wussy attempt on their part.....LOL...but thank you for that as it is less clean up!
   GO UTES!!!!
All the vines you saw on the house were Wisteria...Let me give you a word of caution before you plant them.  Yes, they are pretty in the spring, however with the good always seems to be the bad.  They ruin everything they touch...I think this picture speaks for itself.

Happy Weekend

