Museum Launches 125th Anniversary June 1

On Wednesday June 1, 2011, the museum will launch an 18-month celebration commemorating the building of Glessner House.  A full evening of events is scheduled beginning at .  A summary of the festivities is found below.

– Reception in the coach house

– Welcome and recreation of the Glessners’ groundbreaking ceremony (which took place June 1, 1886).  Official launch of the 125th Anniversary Fund, the goal of which is to raise $125,000 during the anniversary period to complete numerous restoration projects around the museum.

– Presentation of the new reprint of John Glessner’s 1923 The Story of a House, funded by the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts.  This reprint includes the full text and contains over 60 historic images.  Copies will be available for purchase at the event and the original leather-bound copy presented to the Glessners’ daughter Frances Glessner Lee in 1923 will be on display.

– Unveiling of the new permanent exhibit on Henry Hobson Richardson, written by Richardson scholar James F. O’Gorman.   This exhibit, on display in the tour center, explores Richardson’s life, major works, impact on Chicago architecture, and his design for the Glessner house.  A companion booklet with expanded text by the author will be available for sale.

– Viewing of the temporary exhibit “The Story of a House” showcasing selected books on architecture and design from the library of John and Frances Glessner.  This exhibit is part of the city-wide celebration “Festival of the Architecture Book, 1511-2011.”  Visit for further information on events throughout the city.

– Presentation by Bill Tyre, Executive Director and Curator of Glessner House Museum, “1886: A Year to Remember.”  A look at events in the lives of the Glessner family as well as events in Chicago, the nation, and the world – as the Glessners started construction on their controversial
Prairie Avenue

For more information on the June 1 anniversary celebration, visit or call 312-326-1480.  The cost of the event is $15 per person, $10 for museum members.  Advanced reservations are suggested.